New merchandise!

Of course I will not come to the upcoming concerts barehanded but bring some merchandise for my booths or signing sessions!

I made some new posters and postcards!
Due to some polls at my facebookpage I decided to make some Din A 4 prints. I hope you like them. 🙂
if you have any wishes reagrding to some new print products please dont hesitate to contact me. 🙂

I also got some new signing cards which you can get for free as usual. *o*
Hope to see you at my concerts and signing sessions! <3

Ill update the prints to my shop:

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Dank deiner Unterstützung kann ich weiterhin meiner Leidenschaft für das Singen und Cosplayen nachgehen. Ich hoffe, du hast mit den Produkten genauso viel Freude wie ich beim Erstellen!

Und vergess nicht ... wir alle brauchen mehr Pinguine in unserem Leben!

Header by Chiko-Chan