Anime In Concert

Iam super excited to announce that I will be part of a world premiere at the 14th May 2022 in Vienna, Austria.

I have the honour to be a solist during the “Anime In Concert” !

A World – Premiere Concert with your favorite Anime-Music with a large sympony orchestra and visual shows.

It is my very first time working with an orchestra and might be the biggest project so far! Iam super excited and hope many of you will join this amazing and unique experience!


-> Get more informations here<-

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Dank deiner Unterstützung kann ich weiterhin meiner Leidenschaft für das Singen und Cosplayen nachgehen. Ich hoffe, du hast mit den Produkten genauso viel Freude wie ich beim Erstellen!

Und vergess nicht ... wir alle brauchen mehr Pinguine in unserem Leben!

Header by Chiko-Chan