New collab release with Iron Attack

Iam very happy to announce that I am going to release a new collab CD with Iron Attack!
I am one of 4 international vocalists and had the honour to write my own German lyrics.
The CD will be sold at the 91th Comiket at the 29th – 31th December at Tokyo Big side!
You can find the booth at the 29th in the east hall,  ロ-14a.
I am so excited and cannot wait!
If you are also as axcited as I am here a small demo:
I will post later more about the release!
Stay tuned!
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Dank deiner Unterstützung kann ich weiterhin meiner Leidenschaft für das Singen und Cosplayen nachgehen. Ich hoffe, du hast mit den Produkten genauso viel Freude wie ich beim Erstellen!

Und vergess nicht ... wir alle brauchen mehr Pinguine in unserem Leben!

Header by Chiko-Chan