World Cosplay Summit Team Germany 2015

We still cannot believe it and are just totally overwhelmed.
We are Team Germany 2016 and gonna fly to Nagoya next summer!!!

Connichi was great and of course also the World Cosplay Summit Preliminary Germany! We are so happy to be able to participate at the World Cosplay Summit 世界コスプレサミット. Thanks for cheering and supporting us! Thanks myCostumes, Animexx and Nintendo for making it possible!
And of course thanks for all the congratulations!
We also want to congratulate the Runner-up Kasselfornia Girls, who also got the best costume award from Mycostumes with their really outstanding and awesome cosplay skills.
Also our prop-pros Bakaparade with their impressive props and the winner of the audio award our amazing bees Rainbow Riders’ Cosplaysalat!

We had a lot of fun with all the participants and will start this weekend with the first preparations of the finals in Nagoya.

 Picture by Octowana

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Dank deiner Unterstützung kann ich weiterhin meiner Leidenschaft für das Singen und Cosplayen nachgehen. Ich hoffe, du hast mit den Produkten genauso viel Freude wie ich beim Erstellen!

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Header by Chiko-Chan