Tropical Islands
Hey *o*
Some of you maybe now, that i´ve visited the Tropical Islands to make some photos.
Tropical Islands is a big indoor park, where you can enjoy yourself at 27 degress, although it´s winter outside.
It´s for me also the first time, to shoot at such a special location.
We stayed there 3 days in a tent.
It was very funny and you really get the Tropical feeling.

You can see my Watercostume. 🙂
We also got a permisson to make pictures for my next Album.
So this is the outfit you will see on the next cover. *o*
We could made some very beautiful pictures.
*o* Thanky Christoph Gerlach for this great pictures. 🙂
In the next days I am gonna post some pictures of the other days.
Stay tuned *o*