Concert at ChisaiiCon, Animecon and Comic Con Germany

I am very happy to announce that Ill have 3 concerts before heading to the World Cosplay Summit in Nagoya!

I am recently very busy with my preperations for the WCS but still giving my best to practice and prepeare my concerts as usual. 🙂

I would be happy if you would visit my following concerts:

~* ChisaiiCon *~
4th June, Hamburg (Germany)
Saturday -> 15:30 hr > Main Stage

~* Animecon *~
11th June, Den Haag (Netherlands)
Saturday -> 14:30 hr > Small Stage

~* Comic Con Germany*~
26th June, Stuttgart (Germany)
Sunday -> 14:15 hr > Cosplay Stage

Hope to see you there. 🙂

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Thanks to your support, I can continue pursuing my passions for singing and cosplaying. I hope you enjoy the products as much as I enjoyed creating them!

And don´t forget... we all need more Penguins in our life!

Header by Chiko-Chan