Concert at Connichi

Concert at Connichi

I am so happy to announce that I will sing at the Connichi in 2 weeks in Kassel (Germany)!
My concert will be at
Saturday 20:45 in the main hall!
It will be one of my special anniversary concerts and I would be happy if you would have a look. 🙂

Hope to see you there. 🙂

Comic Con Germany

Comic Con Germany

Thanks everyone for visiting my concert and booth at the Comic Con Germany!
It was such an honour to be a guest at such an awesome event!
For me, it was the first time at a Comic Convention and I am just so overwhelmed how many people visited my booth and conert!
Thanks everyone for your support and for giving me such an wonderful time!
Thank you!!

Concert at ChisaiiCon, Animecon and Comic Con Germany

Concert at ChisaiiCon, Animecon and Comic Con Germany

I am very happy to announce that Ill have 3 concerts before heading to the World Cosplay Summit in Nagoya!
I am recently very busy with my preperations for the WCS but still giving my best to practice and prepeare my concerts as usual. 🙂

I would be happy if you would visit my following concerts:

~* ChisaiiCon *~
4th June, Hamburg (Germany)
Saturday -> 15:30 hr > Main Stage

~* Animecon *~
11th June, Den Haag (Netherlands)
Saturday -> 14:30 hr > Small Stage

~* Comic Con Germany*~
26th June, Stuttgart (Germany)
Sunday -> 14:15 hr > Cosplay Stage

Hope to see you there. 🙂

Thank you for 10 years Shiroku !!!

Thank you for 10 years Shiroku !!!

Thank you guys for supporting me for 10 years!
I gave my first official concert at the “Chisaii goes Con” in march 2006.
I still can remember how nervous and happy I was to sing in front of so many people the first time in my life.
At this time I not even dreamed about singing regularly at conventions in front of more than 3.000 people or to be invited to sing in Finland or Lithuania.
 I never dared to think about producing CDs or working professionally as a singer.
And now in 2016 I can look back and say, that I am happy to have so many friends and people who are supporting me. I am happy that I was allowed to produce with my label “Anime Records” more than 4 long players and can give concerts on stages and even countries like Finland or Lithuania, I would never have dreamed of.
Thank you guys for making this possible, supporting me, hearing my music and coming to my concerts. It makes me happy to know that so many people are supporting me and sharing the things I love and life for.
Thank you! Thank you so much!