Shopping guide for Cosplay Tokyo Part 2 Cosplays, Cosplaygoods and wigs

Shopping guide for Cosplay Tokyo Part 2 Cosplays, Cosplaygoods and wigs

Japan is the paradise for every Otaku and Cosplayer. And everyone dreams about visiting the wonderland of merchandise Akihabara once in his lifetime.

This time I want to blog about buying new and second hand Cosplays in Tokyo.

Last time I wrote about getting fabric and dry goods in Tokyo.


In Japan the majority of Cosplayers don’t have the time to craft their costumes by their selves. That’s why you will find a huge number of Cosplayer just buying their costumes.

This is also the reason why you can find several shops in every price range offering a huge choice of Cosplays. That’s why I will just name a few shops which can be found in Tokyo.

You will find the most shops in Akihabara and Ikebukuro, but some of them are scattered all over the city.

  1. New Cosplays

  2. In Japan there are several shops offering new Cosplays and Cosplay related goods. The most famous shop is ACos.

    ACos has several stores through Japan and can be found in Akihabara and Ikebukuro in the Animate stores. I also heard that there would be a store in Shinjuku.

    ACos not only offers new Cosplays but also a variety of Cosplay goods like special make-up, swords, accessories and wigs. If you are looking for special colored bobby pins, of wig glue I would recommend going to ACos.
    The ACos department in Ikebukuro offers a bigger choice of Cosplays and goods than the department in Akihabara.
    Costumes from ACos have a very good quality but are quite expensive.
    You might find yourself paying about 150 Euro for a costume.
    Cosplay goods can be very affordable but also very expensive. It depends on the item you want to buy.
    Sometimes ACos offers a bargain corner, if you are lucky you can get wigs or Cosplays cheaper, but they will be still quite pricy.
    I am not sure if you are allowed to try the costumes. Because I haven’t seen any changing rooms, I guess trying is not allowed.
    The ACos store in Ikebukuro also provides a Hacosta Cosplayer photostudio.
    Make up and wig goods for Cosplay (ACos)

    Another store I like to visit is Cospa.
    Cospa is also a chain like ACos, which can be found in the whole Japan.
    Cospa mostly can be found as a department of Gee!Store (there is a big one in Akihabara). They offer only high quality wigs and Cosplays, as well as a big choice of Cosplay make-up and accessories, like props, wigs etc.
    You will get the best quality there, but be prepared to pay for it. I got the feeling that Cospa is even more expensive than ACos.
    Some friends told me they could try some Cosplays. I am not sure if that is possible, but I guess asking wont hurt.
    So If you are looking for quality and don’t need to watch your money I would recommend going to Cospa.
    If you are looking for cheap Cosplays/ wigs and accessories you can go for Bodyline (in Takeshita dori (Harajuku) 2nd floor).
    Bodyline is a Gothic Lolita shop, which also offers wigs and a small choice of Cosplays. Although the choice is quite small, they still offer the most well-known costumes and a big variety of standard wigs in several colors.
    The quality is quite decent, but the costume might lack some details or the design has been changed in order to produce it more easily.
    The wigs are not high quality but still ok. I personally use a lot of Bodyline wigs and shoes, because I don’t like wigs with too much hair and you can style them easily. If you are taking care of the wigs they are very long lasting.
    The shoes are very pretty and comfortable, although you are running around with 25 cm heels. They provide a lot of different types and colors, I really like the choice.
    Bodyline offers Cosplays starting from 5 Euro. Most of them are sold for round about 20-40 Euro. You can get accessories like fake lashes for starting about 70 cents and shoes are starting from about 10-20 Euro.
    Bodyline permits trying so if you want to buy something you should know your size before head. The staff is not very helpful, they wont know your size, but they can measure the Cosplay for you. I would recommend visiting the online shop (in English) before heading to the shop in order to check the size

    Maple wig shop

    If you are looking for affordable high quality standard wigs in every color, I would recommend visiting mapel wigs. (Although for some purposes they just have too much hair oO).

    Marple wigs have several stores in Japan and one in Ikebukuro and Nippori fabric town. The one in Ikebukuro also offers accessories, a small choice of Cosplays, weapons and shoes.
    Both of them also have a small section with high quality facial hair.
    Maple wigs offers 3-4 types of standard wigs, 2-3 different standard clips and several types of wig laces in every color you can imagine (they had 35 different black colors…). Laces are starting with about 4 Euro per piece and wigs with about 8 Euro.
    They also have a small section with character wigs but are mainly focused on standard wigs in every color. You are allowed to try and touch the wigs (but always ask before head! The staff will help you).
    The shop in Ikebukuro also offers a wig styling and cutting service starting with about 8 Euro.

    EDIT: Seems like the one in Nippori closed down. In Tokyo there is just the one in Ikebukuro left. (03.01.2019)

    2. Second hand (used Cosplays)

If you want to save money I would recommend going for used Cosplays.
Some Cosplayer are buying a Cosplay and just sell them after a shooting. Sometimes wigs and shoes are also included in the set.
Some Cosplayer are selling their self-made Cosplay after they don’t want it anymore.
Be carefull when you are buying very cheap Cosplays. Like everywhere in the world, self made Cosplays can have a very bad quality although they look great from the outside. If you want to be safe, go for used costumes which are professionally produces.
Generally wigs and Cosplays are always very well maintained. You are mostly not allowed to try or to open the sealed bag, so if you cannot read or speak Japanese you wont know the size, the character, the included items or the cut of the wig.
Sometimes you will just find a big basket with wigs in bags and are only able to see the color. At the bag you will find a label which describes the fringe, the length and the cut of the wig.
If you cannot speak or read Japanese, I would recommend going for the shops recommended above.
The most famous shop would be Mandarake.
Mandarake does not only offer second hand merchandise but also Cosplays. Not every Mandarake owns a Cosplay department, but you will find one in Akihabara, Ikebukuro and Nakano Broadway (Nakano Station).
Mandarake offers a huge variety of different second hand Cosplays and wigs, next to a small corner with accessories. It really depends on your luck if you can find your desired item in a good quality for a bargain.
The one I like to visit is Mitsubado.
Second Hand Cosplay shop and new wigs/ shoes

Mitsubado is located at a side street in Akihabara at the 2nd floor.

They offer a really huge variety of used Cosplays in every price range and a lot of different sizes. I love their wig basket where you can get high quality wigs starting with 3 Euro.
The shop is very confusing because there is no system and everything is just put in bags. But if you can read Japanese and take your time you can make a great bargain. They offer some accessories but it is not worth to mention.
They mostly have a corner with reduced costumes, where you can buy a whole outfit starting with 3 Euro.
I am also a big fan of K-books Cosplay hall in Ikebukuro at the Otome road.
Next to a huge selection of affordable second hand Cosplays they also offer affordable wigs, accessories, some props and shoes.
Cosplays are more expensive than Mandarake and Mitsubado but they mostly sell quality Cosplays. But they are still selling self-made ones so just in case still be careful.

I really enjoy shopping in Japan and already bought a lot of Cosplay accessories, wigs and special make-up. If you love Cosplay, I would recommend to go there and to experience that Japanese cultur of Cosplay shopping.

Cosplay shopping guide: Tokyo -> Getting fabric and dry goods

Cosplay shopping guide: Tokyo -> Getting fabric and dry goods

It is a dream of every Cosplayer/ Anime fan to visit Japan once.
Next to a huge variety of shops stuffed with Anime/ Manga merchandise you can find a large sum of shops with Cosplay related goods or Cosplays itself.
Although Cosplay in general is not a reputable hobby in Japan, it is more acknowledged than in Europe.
Generally you will find in every city of Japan shops selling Cosplays and goods.
Because of that most of the Japanese Cosplayer are buying their costumes, of course there is still a notable number who like to craft their costumes by their own.
This time I want to write a shopping guide about getting goods for your self made Cosplays.
I will write a blog about buying Cosplays and wigs later.
I want to concentrate on Tokyo, because I think that everyone who will visit the first time Japan will start with Tokyo or at least stop over. Furthermore I am much more familiar with getting fabric and goods in Tokyo than in other cities, because I visited Tokyo several times already.
Getting fabric and dry goods:
Japanese fabrics and dry goods are quite affordable. Of course it is not cheap as in Taiwan and if you want some special goods be prepared to pay for it. But you can get 1 meter of your desired fabric for about 108 yen (75 Eurocents) if you are lucky. Japanese friends told me that the fabric prices in Germany are just crazy.
Generally spoken, Japanese fabrics are not only affordable they also have a good quality.
So you can make some good bargains and are still buying quality.
They also have a big variety of different fabric types. If you are looking for cute or typical Japanese prints you will find a large choice to choose from.
Gemstones can be cheap but you mostly will find yourself paying the same as in Germany.
Dry goods are in general cheaper than in Germany. They also offer a bigger choice and if you are lucky you can find reduced products and make a good deal.
If you want to buy cheap laces/ braids and gemstones, I would recommend buying them in Dubai.
The most of these stores are located near to the Nippori Station at the northeast of Tokyo.
This district is also well-known as “Nippori fabric town”.
At Nippori you will find one fabric store next to each other, offering dry goods, fabrics and more. You can enjoy fabric shopping the whole day.
Just be aware, that no one speaks English and you should be familiar with the goods you want to buy. Even the labeling is mostly in Japanese. So you should be able to read Japanese or know how a 100% cotton fabric looks and feels like. If not you might be lost or buy the wrong kind of fabric.
Like nearly everywhere in Japan most of the shops are only accepting cash payment. I haven’t seen an international ATM (or 7/11) in this district so withdrawal money before heading to this shopping paradise.
At Nippori the most famous shops are “Tomato”. You will recognize these shops very easily, because their company logo is a tomato.
Tomato owns several different stores at Nippori, which are offering different kind of fabrics.
You will also find a wide range of frequently reduced fabrics for 108 yen per meter. If you want to make a bargain I would recommend going to Tomato.
Station: Nippori (Yamanote Line/ Keisei Main Line/ Joban Line, Tohoku Main Line)
Exit: South east
Operating hours: Mostly 10 am – 6 pm (depending to the shop)
Map of the Nippori fabric town:

Happy new 2016!

Happy new 2016!

2015 is nearly over and a new year will begin soon.

I want to thank you guys for all your support! I am very happy to have people beneath me who are thinking about me, helping me, enduring my (sometimes difficult) character and giving me warm words when I need it.

2015 was an awesome year!
I was allowed to give so many great concerts and signing sessions, I met so many great people.
And I realizes it every time again how much luck I have to have so many fans cheering for me, supporting me, writing me and coming to my concerts. Thank you!
Also regarding to Cosplay 2015 was a sucessful year.
I had about 24 new cosplays. 20 shootings and could become the representive of Germany for the World Cosplay Summit in 2016.
Let 2016 be such an awesome year as 2015!

I had difficult times and I am always grateful to know and be supported by so many awesome and great people.

Thank you for a great year 2015 and I wish you everyone a great, prosperous and healthy 2016!

How to take good cosplay pictures (Cosplay)

How to take good cosplay pictures (Cosplay)

Recently I am rarely using my webside, I am posting mostly at facebook or using other social media.
I want to change it and write more about cosplay at my blog.

I started cosplaying 2006. I was a beginner like everyone and needed to learn beneath sewing a lot of things. Even after nearly 10 years of cosplaying, I still need to learn a lot and are struggling with the “cosplayerproblems” everyone has.
I am not perfect but I want to learn and to continue having fun at cosplay.

Recently a lot of people asked me for advices for cosplay shootings.
Thats also why I was thinking about starting to write about cosplay.
I wasn’t quite sure if I should post these advices, because I don’t think I am really fit to give them. I am also just a cosplayer who loves her hobby. But I decided to write this post in order to give you a view of my way of “cosplaying”.
I also want to state that this is my way of doing things. It does not mean they are right or the only way. I am also still learning (that’s why I am not sure if I am fit for this post…).

In these pictures you see the same cosplays with the same wig and accessories! (Only the wig of the first cosplay is new, I lost it…).
I decided to reshoot these cosplays and realized that I made a huge step.

When I was a beginner, I only cared about the “clothing”. I didn’t pay much attention to the wig, the make up, facial expression or posing.
I just cared about the “wearing part” and forgot the whole “being” part. Since I started to make more and more photo shootings I realized that cosplay is not only about the “costume”, it is also about the “play”. I love the characters I am cosplaying so it became more and more important for me to “play” this character.

(Btw: I am speaking about a male photographers and female cosplayer, that is because I am working mostly with male photographers. It does not mean it couldn’t be a female photographer )

–> Before the shooting:

1. Find a photographer
A lot of people told me, that the main problem is to find a suiting photographer.
It is not easy, but it’s up to you!
Choose your favorite photographer based on his pictures (do I like his style?) and ask them via direct message or at conventions.
The typical way is to make a small shooting at a convention and event before having a private shooting.
Make clear what for a shooting you want to do, when and where, which cosplay?
If you have pictures, show them! The photographer can get a better picture of you and your way of cosplaying.
It’s not easy, time consuming and I got declined a lot of times.
But I didn’t gave up and found some photographers which I really like to work with on a regular base.

2. Speak with your photographer
 What cosplays does he like? Does he have preferences? Where and when do you want to meet? Outdoor or Indoor? Do you need a special location?
Does he need any assistants? Does he edit the pictures or do you need to edit them?
Speak with him and plan. This way you can prevent a lot of miscommunication.
And again check his pictures before to get an idea of his style and preferences.
It’s also a chance to become acquainted with your photographer.

3. Location

 The cosplayer knows the most things about her character, also which location is the most suited one. I am normally doing the location scouting and asking for permissions. The photographer does not have much knowledge about your character and the anime. He maybe can give you a hand but that’s all.
If you are going to shoot in the city of your photographer, he might know some good locations. But he just can give you advices, not more. (Of course it is different if he knows the character).
Normally I am thinking about the character I want to shoot, speak about it with my photographer and look via internet for a good location.
If I found something I mail or phone them and explain what I want to do at this location.
You might pay a certain fee, to be able to shoot at this specific location.

4. Be nice to your photographer

He takes his time for you and maybe traveled a long way only to shoot you.
Most photographers are shooting you for free and are doing this next to their 40 hours a week job and private life.
Don’t forget that they are shooting you volunteeringly. Don’t take it for given!
Give them time to finish the pictures. Alone to select the pictures can take hours! Also editing is a very time consuming task. Just wait and be patient.
Talk with him about the rights. Is it okay to use them at Facebook? To make Coscards or to post them at Worldcosplay? Be aware that you are giving Facebook the right to sell the pictures if you upload them!
If you need pictures without watermark or want to “erase” your dark circles. Ask them!
I never had any problems; they all allowed me to make small corrections or to use the pictures.
Just ask, I am sure they don’t mind and It’s a matter of respect!

–> The Cosplay:

1. Prepare your cosplay properly
Finish you cosplay in time and wear it the way you want to see your cosplay in the pictures.
Of course your photographer can change the hair color, eye color or edit small mistakes away. But be aware that these things are taking a lot of time and most of the photographers are editing the pictures next to their main job and private life.
Don’t take it for given that he will edit the pictures for you. Give him a hand and make it easier for him!

2. Wig
Pay attention to your wig. If you are buying a wig you get the wig unstyled.
You mostly need to cut and style the wig, especially the bangs. If you transport your wig in a plastic bag restyle it before a shooting.
If you are taking pictures, tell your photographer how the wig should look like. He can help you to keep your wig in place even if you don’t have a mirror.
If you are wearing a long wig, brush, brush, brush!!

3. Make up
I tended to wear no make up or always the same for cosplay.
I realized that you really need to pay attention to the facial features of your chosen character. Face shaping is a very important thing, especially while crossplaying. Flashlight takes away all you facial contours. So point them out with make up.
And don’t forget your eyebrows! They are very important for changing your face.
Also be aware, that colorful wigs will “eat up” your eye shadow and blush.
It might looks overdosed at the first glance, but with your wig you will have a natural and balanced look even if you have tons of color in your face.
For shootings its much more important. Your make up might look exaggerate in the mirror but will look totally natural at the picture. Don’t underestimate how much the camera, flashlight and wig will “eat up” your make up.
I recommend circle lenses and fake lashes.

—> While taking pictures:

1. Posing and facial expression
Every character is different; every character has its own vibe. The more you know about your character the merrier you can “play”.
Make researches about your character; does he have typical poses? Is your character more the arrogant or cute type?
Think about it and try poses and facial expressions in front of a mirror! Not everyone can make the same poses. I always need to lower my chin, because I have a chubby face and want to make it appear more “longer”. I also cannot smile too much, because I am showing too much teeth ridge. And yes… I needed a loooong time to realize that.
So be aware of you positive features and use them as much as possible.
I also tended to make poses, which hid my cosplay. You spent hours to make that cosplay so show it! It would be sad if you only have pictures, which are not showing you hard work.
Practice, practice, practice! I always though that I cannot crossplay or cosplaying arrogant characters, because I am not able to mimic them. I still struggle with arrogant or manly characters but are trying to improve my posing and facial expressions.
Don’t give up. No one is born as a perfect cosplayer!

2. Speak with your photographer.

 Do you have ideas? What pictures do you would like to make? Check the pictures, speak about them and try it again.
You will be more satisfied with your results and have more fun.
Trust me, if you are making shootings communication is the key!
Tell him about you preferred poses and your “positive features”, remind him to lighten up your face properly and not to make pictures in the direct sun.
You are also responsible for the results.
Check the pictures and speak about them during the shooting with your photographer!

3. Have fun.
 Cosplay is not about others! Cosplay is about you!
You don’t need to prove anything; you don’t need to force yourself!
Do it to have a great time, to have fun, to make new friendships and great memories.
If you feel uncomfortable, just don’t do it. But don’t forget and respect the wishes of your photographer!
The most important thing is that you are happy and satisfied with your work.
Don’t force you to something you don’t want to do and don’t force others.
If you are doing cosplay with fun, the results will show it.

I am not even near to be a perfect cosplayer and still have to learn a bunch of things.
I just wanted to give some advices, because I needed a lot of time to realize these things.
This is my way of cosplaying, it doesn’t mean it’s the right or the only way.

 It’s just the way I chose and I am happy if I can help you in some small points!
I wish you a lot of fun for your next shooting!

Thanks @yukan-graphy, meermiau, Silvermillenium, manga Box, chiko-chan for the pictures!