World Cosplay Summit 2016 – Part 5: Day 2 Omotenashi Day

World Cosplay Summit 2016 – Part 5: Day 2 Omotenashi Day

With Eriko chan and Yuuka chan our students.
As I mentioned in a prior post. Omotenashi is a student cooperation, consisting out of students, who supports the representatives during their stay in Nagoya in all matters.

Normally you get 1 Student per Team. Due to certain circumstances we got 2, Yuuka chan and Eriko chan.
We already told them before departing to Nagoya, what we would like to do.

Chiko really wanted to go to the Pokemon center and Onsen and I wanted to go to the Penguin cafe.

Before meeting her we practiced in the park and checked our championship stuff again.

Most of the teams went sightseeing at the Nagoya castle or shopping at some Otaku stores in Nagoya.

I guess all teams went to the Pokemon center.

At the Onsen
Onsen seemed to be like the most unusual request. In Nagoya is a very nice and big Onsen spa named “Canal Resort”. They have nice facilities and a really great outdoor area. It is actually the biggest and most famous Onsen resort in Nagoya.

Because we both love Onsen out student took us there and relaxed with us together in the really nice outdoor Onsen.

We also went to the Pokemon center and met Team South Korea.
Chiko only bought Raichus and I bought only Plinfas. <3
We have been at a Pokemon center several times before, so for us it was nothing new.

But when I went there the first time I was so overwhelmed, how many great Pokemon stuff they offer for a very reasonable price. It´s really the heaven of every Pokemon fan!

Making Okonomiyaki

In the evening we went to get some Okonomiyaki and met Team France, and the Alumnis from Denmark and Mexico.

Yuuka chan and Eriko chan also showed us how to make Okonomiyaki by ourselves. It was very interesting and a great experience.

Had fun at Nagoya

World Cosplay Summit 2016 – Part 4: Day 1 Laguna Ten Bosh and Welcome Party

World Cosplay Summit 2016 – Part 4: Day 1 Laguna Ten Bosh and Welcome Party

Laguna Ten Bosh
Finally the first event! I was so excited!
We went to Laguna Ten Bosh for the opening ceremony at the new opened flower lagoon. Laguna Ten Bosh is an amusement park. They have rollercoaster’s, carousels, a big pool, a beach, illumination shows and a flower lagoon.
Normally its not allowed to make pictures there, but at this day the Cosplayers were allowed to make pictures as they like. It was also allowed to go into the water and to make photo shootings in the rides itself during certain times. The Location was very unique and perfect for Cosplay shootings.

I knew quite early that the opening ceremony will be at the flower lagoon so we chose this version of Love Live for this event.
Because in Japan it’s prohibited to go in costume to the events, we chose costumes which don’t take a long time to change. We also chose some for the outdoor events where you can use a fan as an accessory, because it was just hot outside!

Our costumes for the Laguna Ten Bosh even
In the changing room

We departed divided into 2 buses (block a bus and block b bus, the blocks and appearing number was always the same as in the championship), played a lot of Pokemon go and arrived after about 1 hour drive.

They started with a short briefing about the WCS and the following schedules. The problem was that we departed to late and needed to cut time.
That’s why we only got a briefing about today and have been told that we will get most of our schedules the night before the next day.
Afterwards we made make up and changed in our cloths, got into the bus and arrived in the back of the flower lagoon.

Lining up
We waited there, lined up in front of the water lagoon and got some balloons.
Actually no one told us what to do, only that there would be an opening ceremony.
The host tried to tell us in Japanese that we should say the phrase “Cosplay everywhere” and release the balloons in our hand when she counts till 3.
That’s why you might find a lot of pictures with confused looking Cosplayers, because most of them cannot speak Japanese. XD After some more communication we managed to release the balloons.
After some speeches, the cutting ceremony followed and we had some hour’s free time.
A wall of photographers were taking pictures of the opening ceremony (my first time seeing so many photographers in front of one motive, I later learned that this was nothing…) and also continued to make pictures of the Cosplayers.

Making pictures

The Cosplayer just stands in front and the photographers are lining up in order to make a picture. After a short thank you and Coscard exchange the next photographer takes pictures of you.

The simple and Japanese way of making pictures.

Cosplayers making pictures

After making some pictures at other spots of the lagoon, we had a look around with Iris and Patrick (our organizer), Team China and Japan, had some ice cream and enjoyed the park. We also met our 2nd Omotenashi student Yuuka chan who always cared about us for drinking enough and finding the places.

After walking back to the changing rooms, we changed and prepared ourselves for

the welcome party.
The welcome party is organized by the Omotenashi students. The Omotenashi students are cooperation of students who are supporting the representatives in all matters during their stay in Nagoya. They care about your wellbeing showing you around and if you need something they give their best to help you. Yuuka chan and Eriko chan were our students, who took really good care of us.
The Omotenashi students organized and collected the money for the welcome party at Laguna Ten Bosh.

The welcome party

The food was really delicious and it was really fun to spent time and talk with the other representatives, organizers and Alumnis.

I don’t know why, but we didn’t got any chairs for the tables. And the tables weren’t that high you could stand in front of them.
So we decided to sit on the ground. Looks funny? It was funny!

Sitting at the ground

After the welcome party we had some time to visit the 1.000 sunny, the ship from One Piece. It was a great experience to be at a full size ship of an Anime you love! We had a lot of fun!

1000 Sunny
Inside of the ship

After a long day we arrived in the Hotel and went to bed.

World Cosplay Summit 2016 – Part 3: Departing and Arriving

World Cosplay Summit 2016 – Part 3: Departing and Arriving

I could luckily finish all my costumes a month before departing. So everything I did was just planning and packing until we could finally depart.

With our 3 big suitcases, 1 roll, 2 hand carries we went to the airport, checked our stuff in and got rebooked into a flight going 1 hour earlier than expected. …

I am very happy that I am used to flying and know the airport. So we could rush there without problems.

Chiko also had troubles checking in into her flight from Tokyo to Nagoya.

This is also why we couldn’t sit next to each other at both short flights.

Our baggage
In Frankfurt we got a snack, played Pokemon Go and tried to get a boarding ticket for Chiko. We still don’t know what happened but it seemed that it was quite difficult to check Chiko in… (She also had problems at the flight back to Germany).

Finally we could board the airplane to Tokyo.

Normally the German Team flies with their organizer. But due to some booking issues our organizer booked a flight for an earlier date.

After some movies, ice cream and a lot of really bad sleep I had to fight for my immigration card as always(The stewardess always thinks I am Japanese… I am a German potato…).

If you have a domestic connecting flight in Japan you first need to immigrate, get your baggage, go through customs and check in again.

We were 30 minutes to late and had 1 hour until departure.

Again we were rushing. Because our roll was special size baggage, we waited a long time to pick up our stuff…
I was very happy that I could explain the customs quickly, why we have this odd size baggage….

After checking in our stuff again we boarded the bus to the domestic terminal.

And voila Team Canada where standing directly in front of us. That was a very funny coincidence.

After going to the gate and boarding we said bye till Nagoya.

With our Canadian candies *o*
After some make up XD

But they where sitting directly next or behind us. Out of 200 passengers Team Canada and Germany had seats next to each other. 🙂 It was a fun flight with both of them.

We knew that a camera team will be waiting at the airport that’s why we changed our cloths and put on some make up, so we won’t look like zombies after a 16 hour trip. This is why we were the last one picking und our baggage and the stewardess where running around with our stuff, panicking and searching for us. ToT I am still sorry for her…
With our organizer Patrick
At the arrival our organizer team Patrick, Iris, Laura and Mo were already waiting for us. The team took some pictures, filmed us and made a small interview.
Afterwards our Omotenashi student Eriko chan greeted us and showed us the meeting room (I would more call it a baggage storage room XD). We left our stuff there and went to dinner with Team Canada and Brazil at the airport.
Interview at the airport in Nagoya
Afterwards we boarded the bus and checked in into our Hotel, where we got a loooooot of stuff. Next to the Omotenashi pack (with a wigstand, a small pampflet with all students, a bag and tea) we got our passes, food cupons, T-Shirts and our savior, the 2 GB internet Simcard!

Our room was just amazing and very spacy. We were kind of lucky. Normally the teams stores their baggage in an special room, because the rooms are normally very small.

Our Omotenashi bags
Our presents in our room from the International Hotel Nagoya
Our Simcards, passes and more

So we just throw everything into the corner, checked our championship costumes and prepeared everything for the next day (we put everything into the hand carry so it was just taking everything out).

Luckily our costumes survived the trip and we could go shopping for the next day.

Japanese summer is very hot and humid.

This year we had luck and it was quite nice. Someone told us, that the weather 2015 was about 10°C and 10-20% humidity more.

But I still wanted to buy icespray, icesheets, wiping sheets, icepacks and blotting paper. It was the best decision ever and really saved us. Blotting paper is a bless and these ice sheets are the best invention ever!!

The bought more and more during the whole trip. It really helps to endure this summer heat of 30°C-40°C.

After this long arriving day we went to bed and were sleeping like a dead stone.

We finally arrived and the adventure finally begun.

World Cosplay Summit 2016 – Part 2: The Documents

World Cosplay Summit 2016 – Part 2: The Documents

Next to the costumes, preparations and skit, we needed to fill out some forms.
We had about 4 different sheets we needed to fill out.

1. Construction report
2./3. Performance Sheet
4. Costumes
5. Participation agreement
All sheets needed to be sent in 1 month prior of the championship with the finished video file, audio file and original pictures of the characters you are going to Cosplay.

You have about 2 weeks to fill out the most forms (we got the construction report earlier) and you need a lot of information’s regarding your props (size, Kg, pictures) and costumes. This is why we finished all our championship costumes and props, made all pictures, measurements, scripts etc. beforehand so we just needed to copy and paste everything inside.

1. The construction report

The construction report is a power point presentation which you use during the craftsmanship judging in order to present your costume. You are supposed to talk 5 minutes per person about your costume and to use the presentation as support. You can show your finished work in comparison to the original artwork, the materials and the technique you used. It had 3 main sections; Costume, wig and prop. We kept it in the order we wanted to present our costumes and decided to change after each section. The rehearsed a lot, because we were afraid not to finish everything in the time frame. Our report was about 24 pages.

2. The performance sheet->The prop setting

In this sheet you write everything about your props inside; Height, length, wide and weight and a picture. This is necessary, because there are limitations. The staff will check the measurements and weight (incl. the weight of your costume) at the craftsmanship judging day. In this sheet you also fill out where the props should be set at the stage and how your stage setting is at the start of the ski and what will be left after the skit.

3. The performance sheet->The rider

In the rider you write down a short description of your skit and a detail one for the camera setting. You also need to mark where you will stand and where your props will be at which point of your audio. Additionally to that you write down the light setting and the special effects you want to have at a certain moment at your skit.You also write down your phrases in English and Japanese and describe what happens on stage at the certain moment and time code.

4. Costumes

This was the easiest sheet. In this sheet we just wrote down which costumes we are going to wear at which event.
They told us that no changes are possible, because the Cosplayers are going to be announced with their costumes at most of the events.
Actually someone changed his costume without notice before a courtesy visit and it caused a lot of trouble. It happened in front of the Major where a lot of cameras recorded this mistake. Furthermore the press people all wrote down the wrong character name. I guess it was kind of embarrassing for the Cosplayer.
Afterwards they told us, if we need to change a costume, we have to tell the staff beforehand. I guess they accept changes if you notify them in order to prevent embarrassing moments like this.

5. Participation agreement
In this sheet you just sign and agree with the rules of the World Cosplay Summit and the usage of your pictures for promotion purposes.
A lot of teams had troubles to finish these sheets in time, because they weren’t finished with their championship costumes or skit or weren’t prepared for that. A lot of pictures and information’s in detail were required. If you missed to take pictures and gather the information’s, 2 weeks are a very short timeframe. Some of them couldn’t take pictures or write everything down because without finished costumes gathering all these material is nearly impossible.

The most crucial part was the costume construction report.
If you don’t have pictures of a certain technique, because you are not done, you cannot show it to the judges.
Difficult also seemed to the light rider. I am quite used to it because I write light riders every 2 weeks. But I guess for people who have no idea about light setting and effects it can cause trouble.
I prepared everything beforehand and could finish it in 2-3 evenings. I made it in Japanese and English so it was easier for the staff to read our sheets and light rider.
I guess if you are prepared it is quite easy to fill out all these sheets. The preparation itself took hours and hours… I think it was quite tough to finish everything in 2 weeks.

World Cosplay Summit 2016 – Part 1: The preparations

World Cosplay Summit 2016 – Part 1: The preparations

Picture by Japanaily
I am back from one of my biggest journeys of my life and my head is full of great memories, experiences and new friendships. It was an honor to participate at the World Cosplay Summit and Iam really grateful for this experience.
I never though that the World CosplaySummit would be such a rewarding event.

This is why I decided to blog about it. So I can share my experience and write down my memories and thoughts.

If you have any questions or wishes about which topic I should write. Please don’t hesitate to ask.

Today I want to start with the Preliminary 1 year ago and the way to the championship.

The Preliminary in Germany:

One year ago I participated with my partner Chiko at the Preliminary at the Connichi, one of the biggest Anime/ Manga events in Germany.
I did I because I really love to perform and could try out new things on stage next to singing and dancing.
I never though we really would be become the next WCS Team Germany, because I know that other awesome Cosplayer are trying since years and years and I was just a rookie who started to participate at competitions recently.
I was happy but really felt unsure if I would be really able to represent Germany accordingly.

Buying the materials:
Because we never expected to become the next team we already planned and booked a Asia trip in November.
This was also the reason why we decided a week after the preliminary which costume we are going to bring to Japan. We knew that we would visit Taipei and Dubai, where you can get fabrics and crafting supplies for small money.
I calculated the time schedule for the WCS and realized directly after the preliminary that we don’t have a lot of time and need to start practicing an sewing as soon as possible.
These are the costumes we decided to bring to Japan:
Because I knew that we are short on time I finished the interview Cosplay 2 weeks after the Preliminary. It was a good feeling to know, that at least one Cosplay is finished before enjoying the holiday in Asia. In Taipei and Japan we went shopping and got most of our material for our WCS costumes. Chinese silk is awesomely cheap over there… We bought wonderful Chinese embroidered silk for about 3-4 Euro per 90 cm. And 50 Meter braids for about 3-5 Euro.
We mostly bought our braids in Dubai. Because they were cheaper than in Taipei.

The skit:

Because I knew we need to practice a lot I finished the audio file in February.

We decided to go for Adekan and to use our preliminary skit, because we got a lot of good advices. I wanted to make a better skit than at the preliminary. So I we though, that pimping up and improving our skit would be a good choice.
The audio consists out of 12 Songs, 25 cuts, 160 pieces and a lot of corrections.
It took me about a month to complete it. I worked at it every day about 4 hours.
We adjusted the audio file till June in order to get the perfect timing and speed for all the effects.
It took me 3 months to write the skit and to rewrite the choreography.
The skit and the choreography has been changed and adjusted till June. We worked a lot on it to make it “better”.
At first it was very difficult for us to learn the choreography and to get used to the new movements, because we are very unsporty and don’t know anything about dancing or material arts. You can imagine that my bruises already got some names… But after 3-4 months it went better and we could start working on smaller movements of the hand and the way of walking.
A lot of people asked me how long we practiced.
We practiced from February till departing every week one between 4-10 hours. Sometimes 2 or 3 times a week. Our last practice was 2 days before departing to Nagoya.

The costumes:

Next were the championship costumes.
I started sewing directly after coming back from my Asia trip in December and it took me about 7 months to complete my championship Cosplay as well as my props and quick change costumes.
Ill write about the construction of them in an other blog.

Ive never put so much time, money and effort into a costume as for the championship.
The costumes are really not perfect but I am

very very happy about them.

I haven’t studied or learned how to sew so I needed to watch a lot of tutorials or ask friends for certain new techniques. But it was worth it.
I worked at them about 4-10 hours a day and I admit it was very exhausting.

The props:
For me it was the first time to build stage props which need to fit into a luggage. My friend owns a very big car, that’s why it was quite a challenge.
For the gate and the box we decided to use a clip box board system.
It is very simple to build up and to transport it.
The cage is made out of plastic pipes.
We shaped the rings with heat in order to get a ring.
I need to admit that I am noob regarding to light stuff. That’s why my friend helped me to construct it. And I just watched and helped him to get the stuff done….
I only know that it took quite a time to finish it and I am really thankfull, that he helped me this much.

Next to the skit and the costume I realized that planning and preparing yourself is also very time consuming and important. The earlier you think about your baggage the earlier you might avoid problems. We had problems to transport our swords, because they are too long for a normal luggage. Cause we though about it beforehand we solved this problem in a very simple and cheap way.

Also informing yourself about the events and what is expected of you is very important.
The most important thing was to inform myself about the hotel, the surroundings of the Hotel regarding craft supplies and batteries etc, as well as about the weather.
Japanese weather is very different to ours in Europe. So I checked what gadgets might be useful in order to survive an outdoor event in the Japanese summer heat.
I also got spares for all of my props, batteries and everything that might be damaged during the transport in the airplane.
Actually planning, making research and preparing myself took about 2-3 months of my sewing and practicing time. I never though that it would be that time consuming.
But it was worth it, because we were prepared for every case and could avoid stressful situations.