• Now Japan (Vilnius, Lithuania)
  • NiSaCon (Braunschweig)
  • Connichi (Kassel)
  • NipponCon (Bermen)
  • AnimagiC (Bonn)
  • ChisaiiCon (Hamburg)
  • NiCon (Hannover)
  • AniMaCo (Berlin)
  • Ongaku Matsuri (Berlin)
  • And more…

NiSaCon 2014

NiSaCon 2014

I can happily announce, that I am gonna perform at the NiSaCon 2014 (19th-20th July) in Braunschweig (Germany). ワーイ♪♪\(^ω^\)( /^ω^)/♪♪ワーイ
It´s the first time for me visiting this Convention! So I am really looking forward to it. (○^ω^)

The concert will be held at the Saturday (19th July) and I would be very happy if you would pay me a visit. (`ω・)^★
If the time is settled I will post about it.
So stay tuned! (*´・ω・)(・ω・`*)ネー


Ich bin sehr glücklich darüber, dass ich einen Auftritt auf der NiSaCon 2014 (19.-20. Juli) in Baunschweig (Deutschland) ankündigen darf.  ワーイ♪♪\(^ω^\)( /^ω^)/♪♪ワーイ
Da es das erste Mal sein wird, dass ich diese Convention besuche, freue ich mich schon sehr. (○^ω^)

Das Konzert wird am Samstag (19. Juli) stattfinden und ich würde mich über Besuch sehr freuen.  (`ω・)^★ Sobald genauere Informationen vorliegen werde ich aufjedenfall darüber schreiben.
Bis dann! (*´・ω・)(・ω・`*)ネー


Tropical Islands

Tropical Islands

Hey *o*

Some of you maybe now, that i´ve visited the Tropical Islands to make some photos.
Tropical Islands is a big indoor park, where you can enjoy yourself at 27 degress, although it´s winter outside.

It´s for me also the first time, to shoot at such a special location.
We stayed there 3 days in a tent.
It was very funny and you really get the Tropical feeling.

You can see my Watercostume. 🙂
We also got a permisson to make pictures for my next Album.
So this is the outfit you will see on the next cover. *o*
We could made some very beautiful pictures.

*o* Thanky Christoph Gerlach for this great pictures. 🙂
In the next days I am gonna post some pictures of the other days.
Stay tuned *o*


New Fancover *o*

I love Shingeki no Kyojin.:)
Thats why I am gonna record some Shingeki Songs this weekend in Berlin.

But I couldn´t wait, thats why I recorded “Utsukishiki Zankoku na Sekai” at home. *o*
I hope you can enjoy ^_-